• Everything we have is a gift from God and we’re called to share these gifts with others. This is stewardship.

  • Stewardship is our response to God’s generosity. It’s how we give back. It’s how we spend our time, our energy, our thoughts and much more. While stewardship is often equated to money, we are more than the  sum of our material value. Stewardship is a way of life.

  • Please prayerfully consider how you will respond to the call for this year’s parish stewardship, which supports our parish and our ministries. Together with our parish family, seeds of stewardship can grow.

Make your Stewardship 2025 Pledge Here Make your 2025 Building Pledge Here

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms"

1 Peter 4:10-11

What return shall I make to the Lord for all the good he has done for me? Psalm 116


As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10

From the Pastor

Dear Parishioners,


We have begun our annual Stewardship drive. This Annual Stewardship Drive is when we invite everyone in the parish to commit themselves to giving back to God the “first fruits” of the blessings we have received from the Lord to support the work of the parish. The Lord reminds us that everything we have comes from God, that we are stewards of those blessings, called to give back and use those blessings to build up the kingdom of God. How has God blessed you this year? What return shall we make to the Lord for all the good he has done? 


This year we are doing stewardship a little differently. The stewardship challenge we face as a parish at Holy Innocents, is the need we have to fund both the ministries of the parish (heat, light, utilities, staff, programs, worship, faith formation outreach—the day to day work of the parish) and at the same time pay down the debt on the church building which enables all these ministries to have a place to happen. 


Usually, the mortgage has been funded from the proceeds of the Living Stones Campaign, but last year, the Living Stones receipts were not enough to fund all the payments. Some months we were able to pay only the interest on the debt. So, having consulted both the Parish Finance Council and Pastoral Council, and in response to a number of requests from parishioners, this year we are asking every family to renew or make a new pledge to both Stewardship (regular Sunday giving) which funds our parish ministries and in addition, to make a pledge to Living Stones (which pays the monthly mortgage on our beautiful church.) The pledge card this year includes a place to do both and we really do need every family’s help to do this!


Just a reminder about a few details about our loan on the church building


  • ·        The original loan construction loan amount was $3,731,127.

  • ·        The current balance on the loan as of September 2022 is a little under $2 million.

  • ·        The current payments are $24,200 a month. Currently roughly $20,000 a month goes to principal and $4,200 goes to interest.

  • ·        The original interest rate on the loan was 5.5% but has been reduced to 2%, however it is likely to go up again soon.

  • ·        The 30 year loan was originally scheduled to be repaid in 2034 but with the current reduced interest rates, it would be fully repaid in 2030.


And so, we are inviting you to reflect and pray over how God is calling you to give, and renew your commitment to stewardship and Living Stones.  Please return the commitment cards ASAP to the parish by placing them in the collection basket, mailing them or dropping them by the parish office or by making your pledge by clicking on the box below.  Please know that we need every family’s help. Your gift, whatever the amount, makes a huge difference. It is your generosity, your response to the Lord’s call which makes this place go, keeps the heat and lights on, enables us to pass on the faith, reach out to those in need and support the many ministries of Holy Innocents. 


Finally, I want to express my heartfelt thanks for the way you so generously support our parish with your time, your talent, your treasure and most of all with your love of the Lord Jesus!


With gratitude and prayers,



Fr. Johnson

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