Holy Innocents Youth Ambassadors
Holy Innocents is organizing a group to attend this year's Middle School Encounter. The group will meet at 7:45am at Holy Innocents and head for Kennedy High School. After the Encounter, the group will stop for dinner at a local restaurant before heading home and arriving back at Holy Innocents at 8pm.
Click here to register and to download the permission slip and be connected to the payment link. You must turn in or bring the permission slip with you in order to go on the trip.
You may also collect a paper permission slip at the bulletin board in the Narthex or at Youth Group on Sunday nights.
A Knights of Columbus donation will cover the registration fee, but we are collecting $20 per person to cover gas for our drivers and dinner afterward.
For more information email Glen and Petra Shafer at youthministry@holyinn.org
Yes! Youth Ministry is here at Holy Innocents!
HIYA - as we call it, will meet most Sunday evenings 6-8pm down in the parish hall.
· Meetings will include dinner and a mix of social, spiritual, & service activities, praise & worship nights, and discussion groups
Glen and Petra Shafer, parishioners, along with other volunteers here at the parish have come together to coordinate and organize the youth group. for more information reach out to the team at Youthministry@holyinn.org
Upcoming Schedule
Sunday Mass:
8am, 10:30am - Holy Innocents
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass - St. Anthony, Carnation
Daily Mass:
Tuesday: 9am
Wednesday: 6pm
Thursday: 9am
Friday: 9am
Church Open Hours for Private Prayer:
Tuesday: 9:30am - 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am
Friday: 6pm - 8:00pm
Friday 6pm - 6:45pm
Holy Innocents
St. Anthony Mission
31911 Blanche Street
Carnation, WA 98014
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