LENT 2024
Lenten Small Group Opportunity
This year’s Lenten Small group opportunity will meet for Five small group sessions of prayer and reflections focused on several of the Scripture readings for the Lenten Sundays in Year B.
Can't Make Wednesdays?
If you are interested in organizing another group at another time, please reach out to Debby@holyinn.org for support and reflection materials.
Sunday Mass:
8am, 10:30am - Holy Innocents
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass - St. Anthony, Carnation
Daily Mass:
Tuesday: 9am
Wednesday: 6pm
Thursday: 9am
Friday: 9am
Church Open Hours for Private Prayer:
Tuesday: 9:30am - 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am
Friday: 6pm - 8:00pm
Friday 6pm - 6:45pm
Holy Innocents
St. Anthony Mission
31911 Blanche Street
Carnation, WA 98014
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