Teen Confirmation Preparation     2024-2025

Confirmation Opening Retreat

Saturday October 5th

 12noon - 7pm

St. Anthony Mission,  Carnation

Please email Ana Foukimoana if you have not registered for the program 

Teen Confirmation Registration
  • The Preparation:
  • Candidates must be in 7th grade or older
  • Classes meet twice a month on Sundays 12noon-1:30pm
  • There is a required day retreat Saturday October 5th, 12- 7pm
  • Confirmation will be in early February 2024.
  • You must provide a copy of your Baptism Certificate if the candidate was not baptized at Holy Innocents.
  • The sponsor must be a fully initiated Catholic which means they are Baptized, had First Communion and are Confirmed.

What is the Cost of the Preparation?

While we do not charge for the celebration of sacraments, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds, we do ask for a financial fee of $75 per candidate for Holy Innocents and St. Anthony candidates. ($95 for outside of parish) this covers, textbook, a journal, supplies and the retreat.

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