Do you have a gift from the Holy Spirit you'd love to share with our Parish? We could use your talents in any of the below Ministries! To volunteer, please call or email the parish office at (425) 788-1400 or
Reader who proclaim the Word of God as well as the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass and other services.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.
Boys and girls from grade 3 and above who assist the priest at the liturgy.
Responsible for the preparation and care of altar linens, vestments, vessels, candles, and candle holders.
Volunteers surpervise the seating and orderly movement of the faithful during liturgical services as well as gather collections.
Parish volunteers who warmly welcome parishioners as they enter the Church for Mass.
Scheduled in pairs once every other month to open the church, set up for prayer, and close the church. Adoration of the blessed sacrament is on Friday evenings 6-8pm. Confessions are heard 6-7:45pm
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our choir director Norita Barroga-Hulett. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at 7pm. Email
This ministry works together to provide bouquets of flowers and greenery each Sunday and at special occasions. Reach out to Janice Asmus at for more information or to volunteer.
A Ministry of hospitality for the social hour after the Sunday masses. Voluntters bake, buy, or glean refreshments to serve with coffee, tea, and juice.
Volunteers reach out to new parishioners, supports welcoming efforst in the parish such as the Welcome Pew Cards, Welcome Sundays, and hospitality at parish functions.
The Parish Picnic happens each year the first Sunday after Labor Day weekend in September. People are needed to work on the planning committee, set up the picnic, run the games, serve the food, and clean up.
When we have an anniversary, special event, or funeral, we need people who will be available to help provide a reception: to set up, serve, and clean up.
The Knights are a Catholic men's organization founded in 1882 who evoke four principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. These are reflected in the goals of the organization: to promote and initiate activities that minister to the needs of the Church, Communities, Families, and Youth. The Knights strive to foster a strong, friendly, fraternal spirit of Fellowship within our local council and the Knights of Columbus Movement. The Knights meet the 2nd Thursday of each month, 7 pm. Contact George Doty (360) 668-2224;
We are in need of families with young children who are interested in a co-op for our nursery during mass. Please contact Debby for the rotating schedule.
Coming this August; Volunteers needed!
Our Food pantry serves an average of 60 households per week with 2 bags of groceries. It is open Tuesdays 3 - 6:30 pm and Wednesdays 10 :00 am - noon. Many volunteers work to set up the pantry each week on Mondays. .
Our pantry is open Tuesdays 3:00 - 6:30 pm and Wednesday 10:00 am
- noon. Volunteers check in our clients and assist them in getting the food and packing up the groceries.
Holy Innocents provides Thanksgiving meals for our Food Pantry families (supported by the generous financial contributions of parishioners). We put up a Giving Tree in November with gift suggestions for our Pantry families, Volunteers are scheduled once a month; and they are joined by others as they are available.
Late summer we ask for donations of school supplies for our Pantry families. Then we have volunteers who help hand out the items just before school starts so the children are prepared for the first day of school.
CRS Parish Ambassadors are active parishioners with a passion for global solidarity. They encourage their parishes to respond to Catholic social teaching by engaging their fellow parishioners to participate in CRS Rice Bowl and at least two other global solidarity initiatives, annually. Reach out to Lynn DeBroeck for more information or to volunteer at
Do you have a few hours a week to offer? There are many routine jobs available for you to do as you have time - computer work, mailings, data entry, etc. You can commit to a specific day and time or be "on-call" for projects.
We have several volunteers who help on small maintenance projects around the church such as hanging bulletin boards, repairing furniture, replacing light bulbs, etc. We'd love to know if you have carpentry, plumbing, electrical, or other maintenance skills you can offer.
Our beautiful church gardens need parishiners to tend to them. Choose one of our existing gardens that need fostering or propose a new one.
This is a seasonal ministry: when the grass is growing! Teams of volunteers mow and trim the grounds weekly.
Volunteers are needed Monday Morning to count the offerings of the weekend before.
Are there parishioners interested in praying for the needs of the parish and willing to check with those on our parish prayer list?
The parish has been organized into smaller neighborhood groups that connect in various ways including neighborhood socials, attending parish events together, and welcoming new comers when they move into the neighborhood. Volunteer coordinators are needed to coordinate the neighborhood activities.
Members of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference meet with and pray for those in need in our community. They provide financial assistance and encouragement. Members meet the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm. Contact Harry Oestreich
This is a special ministry of pastoral care to those who are sick or homebound. Eucharistic Ministers bring the Blessed Sacrament and the prayer of the church to those who cannot be with us at Sunday Mass. This is on an "as needed" basis.
Parishioners who knit or crochet make shawls to be given to those in our community who are seriously ill. Colors and patterns are up to the volunteers, but we ask that they are made with prayer as they will be given as a sign of our communities prayerful support.
Our early childhood program is designed for children 3 years of age through 1st grade, and gathers during the Sunday masses. Children explore Bible stories during teh year in an atmosphere of fellowship, creativity, and fun...with games, art, stroytelling, music, prayer, and puppets! If you would like to be part of our monthly rotation (lesson plans are done for you) we would love to have you!
Families United Together Undertaking Religious Education
This gathering is for elementary children grades 1-8 and their families and meets most Sunday mornings October - May from 9:15 am - 10:15 am in the hall. If you are interested in participating or volunteering, please contact Ana at
Holy Innocents Youth Ambassadors will meet most Sunday evenings 6-8pm down in the parish hall. Meetings will include dinner and a mix of social, spiritual, & service activities, praise & worship nights, and discussion groups.
Glen and Petra Shafer, parishioners, along with other volunteers here at the parish have come together to coordinate and organize the youth group. for more information reach out to the team at
Adult Faith Formation provides opportunities by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study. Our Parish Mission includes a number of day workshops, retreats, and resources for self reflection.
The women use the Threshold Bible Study Series as the foundation for their time together, which also includes a good amount of exploration of faith and fellowship as well. This group meets up in the Narthex on Wednesday mornings 9:30-11:00am and childcare is provided. Please reach out to for more information
A summer kids' event being offered for children 1st to 5th grade, where they will get to participate in Bible- learning activities, sing, play, teamwork-building games, dig into yummy treats, experience Bible adventures, and create crafts they'll take home and play with all summer long. Held every other year - VBS coming summer of 2025!
This commission gathers every other month to assess, advise, and ensure that the parish offers faith formation to all in the parish, either directly or in cooperation with on or more parishes. A faith formation plan is created and implemented based on the vision and values of our parish community, the Archdiocese, and the larger Church. Willingness to join in conversation and make recommendations for looking ahead for our community.
Baptism Preparation is held as needed approximately every other month. Please email for more information
Sacramental Preparation for First Penance and First Eucharist is available for children and their families. All children of our parish, at least 7 years of age, who have been baptized Roman Catholic as infants and nutured in their faith as young people, continue their journey by preparing for and celebratin the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist. The process is designed to be experiential, fun, and reflective. The program begins in September and children must prepare for the Sacrament of Penance before they can prepare for the Sacrament of Eucharist. First Eucharist is celebrated in May.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - a process by which adults join the Catholic Church. Adults are initiated into the Church atthe Easter Vigil each year. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Catholic - contact the parish office
Members of R.C.I.A. team help adults who are considering becoming members of the Catholic Church through Baptism or Profession of Faith (for those already baptized in another Christian tradition). They provide encouragement, instruction, and discernment for inquirers.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is similar to the adult process. Children must be 7 years of age or older to participate in this process.
Confirmation preparation for youth who are at least 16 years old begins each January and meets monthly for one year.
Adults who are practicing Catholics but have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation are encouraged to be confirmed in order to be fully initiated members of the church. In the fall we offer programs for adults so they can join the teens when the Bishop comes to the parish for Confirmation.
If you are interested in helping in any sacramental prep, please contact Debby at
Sunday Mass:
8am, 10:30am - Holy Innocents
5pm Saturday Vigil Mass - St. Anthony, Carnation
Daily Mass:
Tuesday: 9am
Wednesday: 6pm
Thursday: 9am
Friday: 9am
Church Open Hours for Private Prayer:
Tuesday: 9:30am - 11:30am
Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am
Friday: 6pm - 8:00pm
Friday 6pm - 6:45pm
Holy Innocents
St. Anthony Mission
31911 Blanche Street
Carnation, WA 98014
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