Dear Friends in Christ, 

Many of you still remember the days of “standing room only” at the little church on Stella Street. As the story goes, there were some Sundays that cars would approach the crowded parking lot, and then drive away for lack of space. That must have been a heartbreaking sight! 

As we embark on a new capital campaign – Living Stones, 2020 - it is important for us to reflect on Holy Innocents’ past so that we can fully appreciate the present. Thankfully, people no longer drive away before ever stepping foot in the church or have to stand in the back (or outside!) for lack seats. Rather, we have plenty of room to welcome all who wish to worship here. Our spacious Church, basement and grounds offer endless potential for worship, outreach and ministry. We can do anything that we envision when we share our blessings and open ourselves to God’s grace and guidance! 

As we focus on this campaign, let us direct our thoughts beyond the mortgage and to the true purpose of our efforts and sacrifice. God’s presence is evident every day in our church community. We are nourished and transformed by Christ in the sacraments. People of all ages find relief and comfort through practical outreach and assistance. Through our ministries, we find direction, meaning, hope and friendship. These are true manifestations of what St. Peter wrote, that you are ‘living stones, being built into a spiritual house… to offer spiritual sacrifices pleasing to God!’ (1 Peter 2:5) 

Please join me during this campaign to renew your current Living Stones pledge or make a first-time pledge. By doing so, you will ensure that our mortgage payments continue, uninterrupted, for another five years, and that we can continue the work God has entrusted to us to spread the Gospel. The Psalms tell us that “unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” My friends, we have not labored in vain to build and pay for our Church! The Lord Jesus has been with us each step of the way. Blessings abound here, thanks to your support and the enduring love of Christ. 

May God bless you always with his Joy, Peace, and Love! 

Fr. James Johnson, Pastor

“As you come to Him, the Living Stone – rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:4-5

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