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to St. Anthony Mission Church

 located in the city of Carnation, east of Seattle in the Snoqualmie Valley

in  a parish family with St. Jude, Redmond and Holy Innocents, Duvall

Feast of the Immaculate Conception: The holy day will be celebrated on Monday December 9th. Mass will be at 12noon at St. Anthony. Mass will be celebrated at Holy Innocents in Duvall at 9am and 7pm

Celebrate Christmas in the Valley

Christmas Eve Masses at Holy Innocents

5pm & 10pm

 St. Anthony Church in Carnation



Christmas Morning Mass

 9am - at Holy Innocents


Feast of the Holy Innocents

Sunday December 29

8am & 10:30am


Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 

Tuesday Evening December 31st

5pm - St. Jude, Redmond

Wednesday, January 1st —

9am - Holy Innocents

11:00am -- St. Anthony Carnation


Mass Time

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 pm

St. Anthony Mission is located at:
31911 Blanche Street
Carnation, WA. 98014 


Pastor: Fr. James Johnson

Parochial Vicar: Fr. Arulandandu David


Click on the button above to make your yearly stewardship pledge for 2024!

Thank you!!!

Church Bulletin

From the Desk of the Pastor

Faith Formation

Upcoming Events

Carol Around the Town: Saturday December 21st after the 5pm mass. Cookies and cocoa will be served in the hall. Dress for the weather.

Decorate the Church for Christmas: Sunday December 22nd at 11am. There will be a luncheon down in the church hall after the decorating. Please sign up at the Volunteer Notebook at the back of the church.

Sharing your Time and Talent at St. Anthony


We are always looking for people to serve as liturgical ministers, help with maintaining the grounds, helping with potluck and other events.

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