Christmas Outreach 2024

How You Can Help!

Take a "Tag" off the Giving Garland Located at the Back of the Church

All donations should be returned to the church by Sunday December 10th.

  • Pantry Families: $25 Gift Card to Target or Fred Myer
  • St Martin DePorres Shelter, Seattle:(Formally Lazarus House)
  • Echo Glen Children's Homes, Snoqualmie

Donations to purchase Gift Cards

Make a Cash Donation for Pantry Family Grocery Voucher:

$40 covers a meal from Duvall Grocer in Duvall

Christmas Meal Donation

We help people all year round!

The Holy Innocents Food pantry is open every Tuesday evening 3-7pm & Wednesday morning 10am - 12noon.

  • Volunteers come in to receive food donations and set up the food pantry every Monday and Tuesday mornings each week.
  • Parishioners and Community members and organizations donate food items and cash donations to purchase food

To learn more about what food we need and how you can help please visit our Pantry Page here

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